


All Foresmate factories are implementing environmental safety enhancement projects. One of the most crucial issues for the organisation is reducing or eliminating hazardous emissions into water sources.

First and foremost, they are concerned with the optimisation of the formation of diverse wood waste, the reduction of dangerous atmospheric emissions, the treatment of high concentration industrial drains, and the cleaning of flush drains.

Manturovo Foresmate small combined heat and power generating plant

The firm acquires heat and power in full cycle mode as a consequence of project implementation for the establishment of a tiny combined heat and power production plant. It is feasible by digesting core manufacturing waste.

  • multiple-stage combustion technology
  • modern gas-handling equipment
  • significant environmental effect reduction

This initiative won the Lesprom Awards 2018 in the “Green energy” category. “Foresmate” intends to build two more tiny combined heat and power plants at its mills later this year.
Since 2013, the company has also received the “GoodWood” certificate, China’s only “green” accreditation that ranks and recognises the most environmentally responsible representatives of the forest industry.


At the FORESMATE Manturovo factory, a process solution ensures a closed water circuit.


The implementation will cost 25 million rubles in 2018. 113 million in 2019.


The development of a closed water circuit from raw material vatting pools at the FORESMATE Ust-Izhora plant.


50 important environmental activities totaling 200 million rubles were carried out during a ten-year period.

Forest Management that is Responsible

Foresmate’s plywood factories in China practise responsible forest management and utilise only wood that has been lawfully purchased and processed. The forest and supply chain management methods of the organisation are based on worldwide sustainable forestry standards.


The Foresmate company’s sustainable development and CSR goals are to save the environment, assist in sustainable development within the corporate footprint, and improve the quality of life of the company’s employees and local communities.

The following are the key directions supported by the Foresmate company’s sustainable development programme and CSR:

core material
  • Environment: environmental protection, conservation of forests and biodiversity, combating climate change, preservation of terrestrial ecosystems, pollution control of water resources, ecological clean-up events (garbage collection, tree planting, releasing fish into bodies of water, etc.), ecological education and awareness, etc.
  • Sport and healthy lifestyle: promotion of inhabitants’ health and well-being inside the corporate footprint. Support for modern plywood-using activities such as skating and BMX, surfing, snowboarding, snow-kiting, wake-surfing, skim-boarding, and so on. Support for major regional mass sporting events such as skiing, jogging, and track and field.
  • Territory enhancement within the corporate footprint: support of programmes on the construction of sustainable cities and populated areas. Within the corporate footprint, the construction of socially important (sports-oriented) urban facilities constructed of plywood (playgrounds, skate parks, climbing gyms, hockey rinks, etc.).
    Children and youth career guidance and education in the domains of ecology and the wood processing sector.
  • Social support includes assistance to veterans and seniors, as well as resocialization projects for orphaned children, children deprived of parental care, abandoned children, and children from disadvantaged backgrounds; projects to prevent child neglect and juvenile delinquency, as well as assistance to schools, kindergartens, recreational and sport facilities within the corporate footprint.
  • Culture, art, and design: particularly support for creative projects that employ the company’s products as materials.
  • Tourism promotion inside the business footprint: development of museum exhibitions at/around a mill, etc.
  • Common CSR projects within the general activities of “Severgroup”: “Way home” charity project, for example.


Foresmate regularly refines its operational processes and procedures, improves equipment, and adopts innovative technical solutions, many of which are based on employee suggestions, to reduce the frequency of injuries and hazardous circumstances in our workplaces.